If you are interested in commercial or residential pool services in South Florida, contact Miami Pool Tech; offering quality service since 1993.
8493 Northwest 54th Street
P.O. Box: 33166
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Miami Pool Tech

miami pool tech

Licensed & Insured

Featured News

Meet Carlos Hernandez Sr, the founder of Miami Pool Tech


There’s the proverbial saying that ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ an...


Benefits of a family-owned business


Miami Pool Tech is a family owned business that has provided outstanding customer service ...


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Fully licensed and insured to meet your pool care needs

We warranty our work against flaws in materials, predatory business and our working ethics always meets or exceeds county health requirements; not forgetting the State of Florida license held by founder and sole owner of MPT (not acquired by third party). Keeping your pool clean, efficient and safe with routine pool maintenance service. Ensuring a clean environment is the goal of any pool professional, maintain the highest limits in the industry on all our insurances. We have the highest quality and reliability, but also pool technician that are certified. Who know the local "rules and regs" and can take on any needed repairs and renovations that may come up. Our licensed professionals use quality materials and equipment, to ensure your work is done timely and effectively. Giving you the most time in the sun instead of inside.

Contact us for a fully licensed and insured pool care service. That will give you the proper services your pool needs.

Featured News

Meet Carlos Hernandez Sr, the founder of Miami Pool Tech


There’s the proverbial saying that ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ an...


Benefits of a family-owned business


Miami Pool Tech is a family owned business that has provided outstanding customer service ...


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