If you are interested in commercial or residential pool services in South Florida, contact Miami Pool Tech; offering quality service since 1993.
8493 Northwest 54th Street
P.O. Box: 33166
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Miami Pool Tech

miami pool tech

Pool Renovations

Featured News

Meet Carlos Hernandez Sr, the founder of Miami Pool Tech


There’s the proverbial saying that ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ an...


Benefits of a family-owned business


Miami Pool Tech is a family owned business that has provided outstanding customer service ...


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Restoring your Pool's Luxurious Look

Renovating your existing pool is one of the easiest ways to give your environment a lift. Miami Pool Tech uses only the strongest and most durable materials, allowing our trained staff to work evenly hard to ensure that our clients don't have to worry about their water quality. Many of our clients, have trusted their renovations with us and have been bundled with satisfaction. Over the years, the products have become more sophisticated and longer lasting with lifetime warranties on exposed aggregate interior finishes and longer warranties on other products such as pumps filters, and control systems; upgrading your older pool will make it seem like you have just installed a brand new swimming pool and Miami Pool Tech will be pleased to serve you.

Contact us today to experience the best pool cleaning and servicing in Miami.

Featured News

Meet Carlos Hernandez Sr, the founder of Miami Pool Tech


There’s the proverbial saying that ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ an...


Benefits of a family-owned business


Miami Pool Tech is a family owned business that has provided outstanding customer service ...


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